Its address is listed as #2-410 Duchess Street. However, if you plug this in to Google Maps, you will try to go in the wrong entrance {like I did}. Then you will pile back into your vehicle and drive around to the main entrance and parking area on Lauriston Street.

And, then you will see this ===> the main door which appears to be more of a back alley entrance. As I approached the door, I thought, "This is literally a hole in the wall. It must be magical inside since my friend comes here with her kids all the time."
We walked in . . . and there was no magic. There was well-worn mats and tubes, toys and trampolines. I was admittedly underwhelmed.
I paid the $7 drop-in fee, and my girlie took off like a shot with much to explore in the 5,500 square-foot space.
Despite my initial impressions, I would recommend Flip and we will go again. My daughter had a ton of fun exploring the different equipment at her own pace and abilities. Within the couple hours we were there I feel she was exposed to activities that physically challenged her and helped in the growth of her confidence, strength and stability. I feel these types of opportunities are not as easy to come by in Saskatoon during the colder months.
While we played with our kids on the equipment, my friend and I actually were able to get a pretty nice conversation in, too. Bonus!

Flip also offers structured programs for babies ages 20-42 months, preschoolers and gymnastics and trampoline for kids up to age 12. They also have a back room for birthday parties.
I would love to hear your experiences with Flip in the comments section below.

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