A friend recently suggested that it might be time to stop referring to my son as "Baby J." True. He is looking and acting more and more like a little boy with each passing minute.
I guess being able to climb up and go down a slide by himself means he has graduated to a much more mature term of endearment?

I love you, "Little J," and you will always be my baby!
they always will be our (insert cute baby name) lol its mommies job to think of them as their babies, forever.
ReplyDeleteI always used to call my son, Raiden, now 18 months, "babe", until one day about 2 months ago, he said "no", came over and rubbed my stomach, and said "babe". I'm not pregnant, and don't know where he got that from, but still, if I call him babe, he makes sure he tells me where he thinks the babe is. Now I just call him my "little man"
ReplyDeleteThat's absolutely right, anonymous, my momma still calls me "Angel Face" and my daddy calls me "Sissy," which they've called me since I was an itty-bitty. As parents, we reserve the right to call them cute baby names for eternity (maybe just not in public).
ReplyDeleteAshley, that is such a cute story. Such a smart little guy you have!
We call our four year old StinkyLoo. It started when she was a baby and it stuck. She will proudly tell anyone who asks that her nick name is StinkyLoo. I wonder at what age that will change. When our second daughter came along she became WinterLoo (Winter is her middle name). There isn't much rhyme or reason to it. Together they are the LooLoo's. I hope they don't pay us back too badly then they are teenagers.
ReplyDeleteWe love our "Baby Wyatt". But sadly, you are right. He is 2 and asserting his personhood! LOL He is now "BW" or "B-Dub". They grow up WAAAAY too fast!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing, Kate, how quickly they start becoming little people with their own ideas and preferences. It moves at a speed that leaves me somewhat breathless, but I'm loving it!
ReplyDeleteHere's to all the StinkyLoos and WinterLoos, the Baby Wyatts who prefer to be called B-Dubs, the little men and angel faces in our lives -- and the loving parents who are growing just as quickly in order to keep up with these kids they adore!
Amy K.: From time to time I find myself calling my second baby "little sniffer." A few days ago my two year old said proudly: "I'm the Big Sniff."