Roz Jutras, a Saskatoon mother of two and owner of Mommy Hands Baby Sign Language, offers eight-week sign language courses for parents and babies between six and 18 months.
In the Spring 2011 class, children and their parents will learn signs and songs relevant to a baby's everyday life such as food, family, clothing, bedtime and potty training. In Fall 2011, Roz will teach signs related to day and night, outdoors, transportation, friends, feelings and more.
Each eight-week session is $125, which includes two sets of DVDs and flash cards per level. While the Spring 2011 class filled up quickly, Roz welcomes drop-ins for one free trial class. Contact Roz to register for the Fall 2011 session.
You can learn more about signing through Roz's website and blog, thesigningmom.com!
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