- The ABC's of Making Baby Food from Scratch (As of January 2010, this workshop is now only offered for at-risk parents.) Call 655-4630 to register or for more information.
- Baby Food Resources ~ as suggested by Saskatoon Health Region
- BestStart.org ~ baby feeding guide from the Ontario Public Health Association
Earth's Best ~ organic baby food
- Happy Pantry Nutrition ~ a registered dietician offering nutrition coaching, meal planning, baby-food making, weight management, grocery shopping and more
- Nutrition Essentials ~ a privately-owned professional nutrition consulting service in Saskatoon that offers baby food making workshops
- NurtureBaby.com ~ homemade baby food recipes
- OnceaMonthMom.com ~ menus and recipes with once-a-month shopping lists
- Super Baby Food ~ #1 best-selling baby food book
- WholesomeBabyFood.com ~ more healthy homemade baby food recipes